Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association
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Individual Training:                         These training sessions are “on your own” – meaning, your  use of Stewart State Forest grounds is permitted IF you are a registered TRP holder on the designated HHHRA dates, but the club will not be there to organize people into groups or provide equipment.

Club Organized Training:                        These trainings are organized by a member of the club who has volunteered to “chair” the training session held under the TRP at Stewart State Forest or at other designated properties available to the membership outside of the TRP. Members must contact the training session chair to advise them of their plans to attend and what stakes or issues they are looking to work on for the day.

Training Costs (Members Only)
At this time HHHRA is hosting monthly field training sessions at various locations for club members ONLY (training dates are listed below). In order to take advantage of the scheduled training sessions, you must first become a member of Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association, Inc.  Club members may also purchase a TRP (Temporary Revocable Permit which allows vehicular access for training) in order to take advantage of opportunities to train at Stewart State Forest on designated Thursdays and Sundays as permitted by NYSDEC.

HHHRA is also hosting a series of beginners clinics  (FREE to club members and their guests).  The clinics are geared towards interested owners and new members to help them realize the full potential of their retrievers and to gain a better understanding of dog trials and associated training necessary to compete in hunt tests or to to build a better hunting companion afield.

Club events: 

  • Annual "Icebreaker" training day (late spring weather permitting)
  • Monthly organized training / "fun test" event (typically one Sunday per month)
  • Annual club picnic
  • Weekly organized training at Stewart State Forest (TRP permit required-members only)
  • Annual AKC (August) and HRC (June) Hunt Tests and NAHRA (TBD) 

  Annual membership for 2023 is $55.  The optional TRP permit for 2023 is an additional $75 (for one handler and up to 2 dogs).  In addition, all members must sign "hold harmless" waiver.   (Please see "Membership" page)

For more information or to sign-up for training sessions, please use the Contact Us page:  
