Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association
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Club Officers & Board of Directors

HHHRA Constitution and ByLaws

Affiliated Associations


Mission Statement

The Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to the proper education of owners, handlers and the public in the use and training of purebred hunting retrievers. Whether you’re a novice or experienced handler, or just considering the purchase of a purebred hunting retriever, the Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association, Inc. is interested in helping you and your dog.

The objectives of the Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association are:
  1. To educate handlers, owners and the general public, and to encourage and promote quality in the breeding and field testing of hunting retrievers.
  2. To protect and advance the interests of hunting retrievers through education and encouraging sportsmanlike participation at hunting field tests.
  3. To conduct training sessions, club and licensed hunting retriever field tests under the rules of the Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association (HHHRA), the North American Hunting Retriever Association (NAHRA), the American Kennel Club (AKC) and/or The Hunting Retriever Club (HRC).
  4. To promote the use of trained retrievers as a conservation tool, and efforts to preserve and improve wildlife habitats.
