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Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association

Lucky & pups

The Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to the proper education of owners, handlers and the public in the use and training of purebred hunting retrievers. Whether you’re a novice or experienced handler, or just considering the purchase of a purebred hunting retriever, the Hudson Highlands Hunting Retriever Association, Inc. is interested in helping you and your dog.

Our membership includes both novice and professional breeders and trainers as well as a few hunt test judges who all work together sharing their experience at our training and testing events. Generally, we try to hold club member organized activities (training / fun tests) at least once a month to help members advance their handling skills and improve their dogs performance in the field.  In addition, the club sponsors weekly training sessions on Thursdays and several Sundays each month (April-Sept) at Stewart State Forest under a Temporary Revocable Permit granting this access for a separate fee per member.

Most of our members compete in HRC, AKC and NAHRA events, but it's not mandatory. A good number of our members are hunters and dog lovers that use our training sessions to keep their retrievers in top form during the off-season.

